Both cute and coveted by collectors, were one of the hottest collectibles of the 20th century. Their appeal continues today, as the scarcity of some styles has driven prices to record heights.While modestly priced Hummels dominate the market, exceptional examples of these rosy-cheeked children can sell between several hundred to several thousand dollars. Some, such as the “Adventure Bound” figure group, have reached prices over $4,000. At a 2013 auction at, the sale of a Hummel Czechoslovakian International Figure even yielded $5,000. The History of Hummel FigurinesStoking such prices is the fascinating history of Hummel figurines, which begins with Bavarian nun Berta Hummel in the early 20th century.
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Hummel assumed the name of Sister Maria Innocentia in 1931 when she joined a Franciscan convent in southern Germany. Having just completed art school, Hummel dabbled in painting during her early days, depicting the jolly likenesses of rosy-cheeked children in her works. Her fellow sisters encouraged her and even suggested that she sell her work.
Prototype, Master Sample, signed FK 9/56. Sold for $1,260 via (October 2013).It was through such sales that Hummels eventually arrived on the desk of Franz Goebel, the director of a German pottery company.
Inspired by Hummel’s endearing designs, Goebel negotiated a collaboration with the Bavarian nun to transform her paintings into ceramic pieces.Goebel Hummel figurines debuted to the public at the 1935 Trade Fair in Leipzig, Germany, and their success was immediate. Within months, Goebel’s company had begun work on more than 40 additional designs. This rapid ascent, however, was cut short in subsequent years with the rise of Nazi control of Europe. Nazi forces soon limited and ultimately ceased Hummel production. They also shuttered the convent that Hummel called home in 1940.Berta Hummel died in 1946 following the end of World War II, succumbing to tuberculosis at the young age of 37. The legacy she had begun, however, would live on.
Goebel restarted production of Hummel figurines that same year, and soon thereafter, the delightful collectibles were back in demand. They became particularly popular among American troops stationed in Europe, whose export of Hummels back to the United States as souvenirs for family members fueled early American interest. Goebel worked with immensely talented artists over the years to ensure that the quality and artisanry of each Hummel figurine was exceptional and of the same standards as Hummel herself would have expected. : ‘Umbrella Boy’ and ‘Umbrella Girl’, sold for €325 via (September 2017). Hummels: ValueSo how much are Hummels worth? In recent decades, the market for Hummels has experienced fluctuations and dips in price, but current market trends suggest that truly outstanding Hummels for sale can still achieve impressive prices at auction. Hummel production by the Goebel company ceased in 2008 when a subsidiary company assumed operation, so it seems the ever-increasing rarity of antique and vintage Hummels over time will support the longevity of the market.For a better sense of Hummels’ value, explore the Hummel figurines price list below for some of the quintessential examples in the market today.
“Adventure Bound” Hummel and Multiple Figure GroupsConsistently popular among collectors are Hummels that feature multiple figures, perhaps because such designs are more complex and thus require additional skill to render each narrative effectively. The “Adventure Bound” Hummel is one of the most in-demand multiple figure groups. Designed by artist Theo Menzenbach around 1955, the “Adventure Bound” Hummel, mold number #347 in Hummel archives, debuted in American markets in the early 1970s. Since this design was produced over the course of several decades, the value of these figurines depends on their date of execution, which is indicated by the style of the trademark bee found on the bottom of the figurine. “Adventure Bound” figurines that feature the “full bee” trademark (shorthanded as “TMK-2”), for instance, were created before 1959. Hummel” on the base of a Hummel figurine.First, as a test of authenticity, these Hummels bear the inscription “M.I. Hummel,” as an homage to Sister Maria Innocentia.
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Second, they will bear the mold number, which can fall anywhere between #100 and #2000. Third, these figurines should bear a trademark in the form of a bee, a crown, or the Goebel company name. These trademarks are essential in determining the age of the figurine, and determining the age is crucial to assessing its value.Looking for more? Explore on Invaluable now. Wondering what your Hummel figurine is worth? To have it appraised by experts.